Watery Sunshine

November 16th: A translucent green sun
swims through the clouds
Falling Leaves

Hallowe'en: fun with Sharpies!
Red and yellow leaves on blue
Michaelmas Daisies

October 21st: the luminous mauve
daisies that light up autumn
The Magician

May 14th: a figure floats like a phantom
surrounded by magical symbols
Airy 10 of Wands: Illustrated

Mid-May: a figure struggles uphill
in the teeth of the wind
Fiery 10 of Swords: Illustrated

8th May: a skeleton lies on a funeral
pyre, pierced by swords
Airy 9 of Wands: Illustrated

6th May: A man stands expectantly
in front of a defensive palisade
Fiery 9 of Swords: Illustrated

6th May: a woman weeps in anguish
at the bereavement that is Brexit
Airy 8 of Wands: Illustrated

1st May: A flight of wands swoops down
like a flock of ravenous starlings
Fiery 8 of Swords: Illustrated

28th April: a woman stands ringed by
swords, on a rock under a blood-red sun
Airy 7 of Wands: Illustrated

23rd April: poised high on a rocky crag,
a young man battles six others
Fiery 7 of Swords: Illustrated

April: a man runs off with a bundle of
swords, a mocking twinkle in his eye
Airy 6 of Wands: Illustrated

17th April: a victorious knight on
horseback, surrounded by his followers
Fiery 6 of Swords: Illustrated

12th March: a ferryman carries a
mother and child towards a sunset isle
Airy 5 of Wands with Bird People

March: Bird people fly around on their
wands like witches on broomsticks
Fiery 5 of Swords: Illustrated

March: the victor in a sword fight
taunts the fleeing losers
Airy 4 of Wands: Illustrated

February: two women wave bunches
of flowers to welcome a traveller home
Fiery 4 of Swords: Illustrated

February 12th: sunbeams flood into a church,
making a knight's tomb glow red-gold
Airy 3 of Wands: Illustrated

February 1st: a richly-dressed young man
watches his three ships come sailing home
Three Swords of 2016

January 31st: a yell of pain as well as
a pip card for the Airy Wands Tarot
Airy 2 of Wands: Illustrated

January 28th: a young man looks out to
sea, a globe of the world in his hand
Fiery 2 of Swords: Illustrated

January 27th: a masked woman smiles,
sphinx-like, while volcanoes spew fire
Airy 10 of Wands: Numeric

New version of a “numeric”
pip card from the Airy Wands Tarot
Airy 7 of Wands: Numeric

New version of a “numeric”
pip card from the Airy Wands Tarot
The Reason Why I Am So Blue

Not many reasons to be cheerful, with
Brexiturds & Dunghill Lump in charge
I Will Always Love EU

They broke my heart when they voted Leave
Toad Free

Detail from Fungus in the Hole
Fungus in the Hole

A veggie recipe