These earlier versions of pip cards from my Fiery and Airy Wands decks may appeal to people who prefer decorative but essentially numerical pip cards that do not impose any particular interpretations on the reader. Please contact me via my shop on if you would like a custom order containing numeric pip cards.

Illustrated decks are also available: Illustrated Fiery Wands Tarot | Illustrated Airy Wands Tarot

Numeric Wands | Numeric Cups | Numeric Swords | Numeric Pentacles |

Suit of Wands, Fiery

Fiery Ace of wands Fiery Two of wands Fiery Three of wands Fiery Four of wands Fiery Five of wands Fiery Six of wands Fiery Seven of wands Fiery Eight of wands Fiery Nine of wands Fiery Ten of wands

Suit of Wands, Airy

Airy Ace of wands Airy Two of wands Airy Three of wands Airy Four of wands Airy Five of wands Airy Six of wands Airy Seven of wands Airy Eight of wands Airy Nine of wands Airy Ten of wands

Numeric Wands | Numeric Cups | Numeric Swords | Numeric Pentacles | Back to top

Suit of Cups

Ace of Cups Two of Cups Three of Cups Four of Cups Five of Cups Six of Cups Seven of Cups Eight of Cups Nine of Cups Ten of Cups

Numeric Wands | Numeric Cups | Numeric Swords | Numeric Pentacles | Back to top

Suit of Swords, Fiery

Fiery Ace of swords Fiery Two of swords Fiery Three of swords Fiery Four of swords Fiery Five of swords Fiery Six of swords Fiery Seven of swords Fiery Eight of swords Fiery Nine of swords Fiery Ten of swords

Suit of Swords, Airy

Airy Ace of swords Airy Two of swords Airy Three of swords Airy Four of swords Airy Five of swords Airy Six of swords Airy Seven of swords Airy Eight of swords Airy Nine of swords Airy Ten of swords

Numeric Wands | Numeric Cups | Numeric Swords | Numeric Pentacles | Back to top

Suit of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Two of Pentacles Three of Pentacles Four of Pentacles Five of Pentacles Six of Pentacles Seven of Pentacles Eight of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles

Numeric Wands | Numeric Cups | Numeric Swords | Numeric Pentacles | Back to top

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Last modified 4 June 2017
© Sushila Burgess 2008-2017